Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor, on Sunday, celebrated the 30th anniversary of a very special film -- Roop Ki Rani Choron Ka Raja. The big-budget movie featured the actor alongside Bollywood superstar, the late Sridevi, who is also Anil Kapoor's sister-in-law. What makes the movie more special for Anil Kapoor is the fact that it was directed by his friend Satish Kaushik, who died earlier this year. Now, marking the film's special milestone, Anil Kapoor has shared a throwback photo with the film's team including the actor himself alongside Sridevi, Satish Kaushik, Anil Kapoor's brother and producer Boney Kapoor, and Shekhar Kapur (who was meant to direct the film initially). In the note, he said, “A film that might have not done well at the box office but was made with all heart…directed by my friend Satish…30 years ago….the songs and the train robbery were brilliantly shot by my friend... I believe every project is a learning experience and a cherished one! #30yearsofRoopKiRaniChoronKaRaja.”
Replying to the post, Richa Chadha said, “Watched it in the hall as a 7-year-old with my folks as a reward! Was an unbeatable fan of Mr India and wanted to see my favourite pair unite. Bought the cassette, (loved chu chu ka murabba), the train scene and so much more. Was an ambitious film for the time as well. Thank you for the entertainment! Bicchde sabhi baari baari.#Sridevi #SatishKaushik thank you for the memories.”
A similar picture of the team was also shared earlier by Boney Kapoor as he paid tribute to Satish Kaushik, who had made his directorial debut with the project in 1993. In the caption, he wrote, “First day shoot of Roop ki Rani Choron Ka Raja. Satish made his debut as a director, he had put in a lot of hard work and it remains amongst the most glossiest films, he directed 4 of our films and we were working on the fifth film.”
Speaking about the project, Satish Kaushik had tweeted in 2018 that while the film failed to do well at the box office, it would always remain special to him. “Yes, 25 years ago it was a disaster at BO [box office] but it was my first child and will remain close to my heart. Remembering madam #SrideviLivesForever and my sorry to Boney Kapoor who gave me a break but was broke after the film,” he wrote in a moving note. For the unversed, Satish Kaushik died in New Delhi of a heart attack.
Yes 25 yrs ago it was a disaster at BO bt it was my first child & will remain close to heart. Remembering madam #SrideviLivesForever & my sorry 2 @BoneyKapoor who gave me a break bt was broke after d film.celebrating #25yearsof RKRCKR @AnilKapoor @Javedakhtarjadu @AnupamPKher
— satish kaushik (@satishkaushik2) April 16, 2018
Meanwhile, on the work front, Anil Kapoor was seen in the web series The Night Manager alongside Aditya Rao Kapoor and Sobhita Dhulipala. He will be seen next in Fighter headlined by Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone.