Actress Shweta Tiwari, who recently recovered from COVID-19, lit up Instagram on Thursday with her super adorable birthday post for daughter Palak. The Kasautii Zindagii Kay actress posted some pictures from their outing in Mumbai and called her "a badass with a big heart." In the photos, Shweta can be seen sporting a pink top and blue denims while Palak, 20 today, looks beautiful in a black outfit. "Happy birthday to my good luck charm," wrote the actress and added: "She's a badass with a big heart." Palak is Shweta Tiwari's daughter with her first husband Raja Chaudhary. The actress is now married to actor Abhinav Kohli and they have a son named Reyansh.
Check out Shweta Tiwari's birthday-special post for Palak here:
Shweta also celebrated her birthday just four days ago (October 4th). On the occasion, Palak Tiwari shared pictures of themselves twinning in red outfits and wrote: "Happy birthday to my Jr. Tiwari."
Palak Tiwari will soon make her Bollywood debut with Rosie: The Safforn Chapter, a film produced by Vivek Oberoi and directed by Visal Misra. Vivek will also co-star with Palak in the film. Last month, sharing the motion poster of Rosie, Palak Tiwari wrote: "Nervous, excited, overwhelmed and proud all at this's the Rosie motion poster! #PalatKarMatDekhna as she shatters the rose-tinted glasses and gazes directly into your soul!"
Palak Tiwari's debut film was supposed to be a project with Taare Zameen Par actor Darsheel Safari. However, she retracted from the project in 2018 because of her board exams.