VJ-actor Rannvijay Singha delighted his Instafam with a million dollar throwback picture from his daughter Kainaat's second birthday party. The photo shared by Rannvijay features himself with wife Prianka, Kainaat, Soha Ali Khan, Kunal Kemmu, Taimur and Inaaya. "Boss babies Inaaya, Ranvir, Timtim," Rannvijay captioned the picture. You just can't miss Taimur and Inaaya's adorable expressions in the picture, who are cradled in Kunal Kemmu and Soha Ali Khan's arms respectively. Rannvijay's Instagram post has 103,767 likes so far. The photo has been liked by Soha Ali Khan, Kunal Kemmu and Yuvika Chaudhary. Rannvijay Singha and Prianka hosted little Kai's birthday at their Mumbai residence earlier this month and invited their close pals and Kai's friends. The bash was also attended by Neha Dhupia, who features in television reality show Roadies as one of the gang leaders along with Rannvijay. Sunny Leone and Daniel Weber's daughter Nisha was also part of the celebration.
Take a look at the picture here:
Rannvijay had earlier posted a video from the cake cutting on his Instagram timeline and thanked everyone for their birthday wishes. "Thank you all for sending all the love and good wishes for Kainaat! Really appreciate your love," Rannvijay wrote. The video features the little one cutting her birthday cake with her parents by her side.
Soha Ali Khan and Kunal Kemmu, who are often spotted hanging out with Rannvijay and his wife, had shared photos from the party on her Instgaram timeline previously. "Paired off. Thank you Sartaj Sangha for these and the other 'candid' shots," Soha Ali Khan captioned the picture.
On the work front, Rannvijay Singha is currently shooting for the 16th season of Roadies. He has not announced any Bollywood project as of now.