Mahesh Babu and his family have been trending on social media since Sunday, courtesy pictures from their travel diaries. The actor flew to an undisclosed location with his family on Sunday and later in the day, we got a glimpse of him chilling with his daughter Sitara, all thanks to his wife Namrata Shirodkar. Going by Namrata's posts and Sitara's Iatest Instagram entry, it appears that Namrata's sister, actress Shilpa Shirodkar, also accompanied the family on their trip. On Sunday evening, Namrata posted a photo of Mahesh Babu and Sitara enjoying a scenic view from a balcony and wrote: " diaries."
Sitara posted a picture of herself having a whole lot of fun with Shilpa Shirodkar and wrote: "The best place to be! So happy to see you, Shilpa mumma."
Check out the aforementioned posts here:
On Sunday, Mahesh Babu shared a picture of himself and his kids from an airport. The photo features the actor, his son Gautham and Sitara wearing face masks and clicking a selfie. Sharing the picture, the actor expressed how his life is "getting back on track." He wrote: "Getting ourselves used to the new normal!! All equipped for a safe flight. Life's back on track! Jet set go! #TravelDuringCovid #MaskOn."
Take a look at his post here:
Sitara also gave us a glimpse of their trip. She shared a picture of Namrata Shirodkar sleeping and wrote: "My mother never sleeps...but when she does... she's my angel."
In terms of work, Mahesh Babu was last seen in Sarileru Neekevvaru. His next project is a SS Rajamouli-directed film. Mahesh Babu also has a Parasuram-directed film lined up.