Ranveer Singh, who loves to interact with his fans on Instagram, updated his feed with two new photos recently. Ranveer was in a caption-not-needed kind of a mood as he Instagrammed two close-up shots and said nothing. In one of the photos, Ranveer can be seen enjoying sea vibes on what appears to be a beach. Earlier this year, Ranveer and Deepika Padukone went on a vacation at an undisclosed sea-side location and gave us major holiday cravings. In another photo Instagrammed by Ranveer, the actor can be seen in a thoughtful mood. Take a look at Ranveer Singh's photos here:
When Ranveer is not sneaking up on Deepika and clicking photos of her eating Nutella, he's taking selfies at home. The actor paid a tribute of sorts to Sylvester Stallone aka Rocky Balboa of the Rocky series of films, with this cool selfie.
We also witnessed Ranveer Singh as Vincent Van Gogh in a photo, which was posted with a quote by the 19th century Dutch painter: "As we advance in life it becomes more and more difficult, but in fighting the difficulties the inmost strength of the heart is developed."
Ranveer Singh, who loves being extra, also posted this photo of himself as Joe Exotic of Netflix crime series Tiger King.
Ranveer Singh was last seen in Gully Boy. His new film '83 was supposed to release in April but has indefinitely been postponed as theatres are shut because of the coronavirus lockdown. Ranveer will feature in a cameo in Akshay Kumar's Sooryavanshi. He also has Jayeshbhai Jordaar lined-up for release.