Shah Rukh Khan, who turned 58 years today, received a whole lot of love from his industry colleagues and friends throughout the day. From his favourite co-stars like Juhi Chawla, Kajol, Kareena Kapoor to actors of the present geneartion wished Shah Rukh Khan with heartfelt messages. However, Namrata Shirodkar shared a throwback gem to wish Shah Rukh Khan on his birthday. The picture features Shah Rukh Khan, Gauri, Namrata Shirodkar and Sangeeta Bijlani. While the women are dressed in their festive best, Shah Rukh Khan's candid expression will surely grab your eyeballs. Namrata wrote in the caption, "Happy Birthday Shah Rukh Khan. Wishing you a year as epic as you are!!"
Shah Rukh Khan spent a blissful birthday with his fans. He greeted the fans from his Mannat balcony on Thursday evening. He waved at them, greeted them with folded hands, blew kisses, clapped and last but not the least did his signature pose. Could fans ask for more? Shah Rukh Khan wore a white tee and denims this time. He added a dash of glamour with his shades. Take a look at the pics here:
Before greeting fans, Shah Rukh Khan attended an event with Dunki director Rajkumar Hirani. Shah Rukh Khan interacted with fans and talked about his upcoming film Dunki at the event. He lit up the stage with his iconic steps to the songs Jhoome Jo Pathaan and Not Ramaiya Vastavaiya. Shah Rukh Khan shared a video from the event and wrote in the caption, "Celebrating with all of u is always special... thank you for making my day!!! Take a look:
Shah Rukh Khan is having a blissful year on the professional front. He has delivered two super duper hits Pathaan and Jawan which have minted more than two thousand crores at the box office. The two films smashed many records. Fans are waiting to see whether Shah Rukh Khan can retain his magic with Dunki or not. Directed by Rajkumar Hirani, and produced by SRK and Gauri Khan's Red Chillies Entertainment, Dunki is slated to release on Christmas this year.