Actor Prakash Raj, on Tuesday, revealed that he met with an accident recently, which has caused him a minor injury. The 56-year-old actor shared the health update through a tweet. In the tweet, he shared that "a small fall" has caused him "a tiny fracture." Prakash Raj also shared that he is flying to Hyderabad "for a surgery." Prakash Raj wrote: "A small fall.. a tiny fracture.. flying to Hyderabad into the safe hands of my friend Dr Guruvareddy for a surgery," he wrote in the tweet. Prakash Raj assured his fans that he "will be fine" and also asked them to keep him in their thoughts. "I will be fine nothing to worry .. keep me in your thoughts," he wrote in the tweet.
Prakash Raj's tweet prompted a barrage of comments from his fans and well wishers on Twitter. "Get well soon sir and wishing u a quick recovery. Our wishes are with you," a Twitter user commented on Prakash Raj's tweet. "Take care Sir. You are one of the precious pearls of India," another comment on Prakash Raj's tweet read.
Take a look at Prakash Raj's tweet here:
Prakash Raj will soon be seen in the film Pada. He recently shared the poster of the film on Instagram and also shared that the teaser of the film will also be out soon. "#Pada teaser coming soon!! A joy to work with such talents," he wrote in the caption of the post.
Take a look at the actor's post here:
Prakash Raj is a well known name in the Hindi, Telugu and Tamil film industry. He has starred in several films like Attack, Mukunda, Wanted and Singham. He will soon be seen starring in Mani Ratnam's Ponniyin Selvan.