Actor Aamir Khan, who spoke at a session of the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit 2014, had a fanboy moment when he met actor-politician Arnold Schwarzenegger, describing watching The Terminator walk into his room as "a bizarre feeling."
Hollywood star Arnold Schwarzenegger also spoke at the Summit and was "very warm and friendly," Aamir said. (Also Read: Arnold Schwarzenegger on "All-Out War" With Sylvester Stallone, Failure and Hollywood)
In a series of tweets, Aamir described meeting the action film legend:
I told the HT staff I wish I could meet him. So they told him. And he just walked in to my room!!!
- Aamir Khan (@aamir_khan) November 21, 2014
He's really cool. Very warm and friendly.
- Aamir Khan (@aamir_khan) November 21, 2014
It was a bizzare feeling! I looked up when the door opened and I see THE TERMINATOR walking into my room!
- Aamir Khan (@aamir_khan) November 21, 2014
Aamir may have been left start-struck but Mr Schwarzenegger also returned the compliment:
It was fantastic to meet you! You're a a real star, w/ success at the box office and all the awards. RT @aamir_khan:
- Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) November 22, 2014
Aamir spoke about the redefining of mainstream cinema, among other topics, at his session with Karan Johar and actress Deepika Padukone. Arnold Schwarzenegger spoke about his famed rivalry with co-star Sylvester Stallone and how hard it was for him to become an actor. He ended his session with the four words from the Terminator films that made him famous: "I'll be back."