Aamir Khan, who has made blockbuster films such as 3 Idiots, Dangal and PK, said that he doesn't charge a single rupee for the films he stars in and instead he takes a share in the profit, which gives him a "sense of responsibility," reports IANS. Speaking at a special programme aired on Tata Sky, Aamir Khan said: "I don't charge a single rupee for my films. It is my responsibility to take care that the cost is recovered and the whole crew has been paid. And when this is done, I get my share in profit. This gives me a sense of responsibility, of which you all can see the results." Aamir Khan is currently awaiting the release of Thugs Of Hindostan, produced by Yash Raj Films.
Earlier in March, Aamir Khan told news agency IANS that he had stopped charging a fee for films a few years ago. "If the film makes less money, I make less money, and if the film makes more money, I make more money," IANS quoted him as saying.
Aamir Khan mostly releases one film in a year, which normally closes the box office with a big bang. Aamir Khan's previous few films have created box office history not only in India but also in China. Films such as Dangal, PK and 3 Idiots performed exceptionally well in China making huge profit for the filmmakers.
As of now, Aamir is looking forward to the release of Thugs Of Hindostan, in which he's joined by Amitabh Bachchan, Katrina Kaif and Fatima Sana Shaikh. The film is directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya and it opens in theatres on November 8.
(With inputs from IANS)