Members of the Hindi film fraternity united to pay their final respects to restaurateur Kishor Bajaj, who died on March 17. Kishor Bajaj's prayer meet was held on Tuesday evening in Mumbai. The prayer meet was attended by Aamir Khan and his ex-wife Kiran Rao. Actors Sanjay Dutt, Shraddha Kapoor, Chunky Panday and his wife Bhavana, Sohail Khan, Dia Mirza, Poonam Dhillon, Bhagyashree, Isha Koppikar, Sophie Choudry, Boney Kapoor and daughter Anshula were among the other stars pictured at the prayer meet in Mumbai last evening. Model Alanna Panday and her husband Ivor McCray, who got married in Mumbai last week, also attended the prayer meet on Tuesday evening.
Aamir Khan was accompanied by his ex-wife and filmmaker Kiran Rao at the prayer meet.
Sanjay Dutt was pictured arriving at the prayer meet.
Actress Shraddha Kapoor clicked at Kishor Bajaj's prayer meet.
Film producer Boney Kapoor and his daughter Anshula Kapoor were also clicked at the prayer meet.
Chunky Panday and his wife Bhavana clicked at the prayer meet.
Dia Mirza at the prayer meet.
Veteran actor Poonam Dhillon was also pictured at the prayer meet.
Actress-singer Sophie Choudry pictured at the restaurateur's prayer meet.
Actors Bhagyashree, Isha Koppikar and Sohail Khan also attended the prayer meet last night.
Restaurateur Kishor Bajaj, founder of the Badasaab Group, died on March 17. He brought the first Michelin restaurant to India.