Aamir Khan has asked for a share of 70 per cent in his joint production with Farhan Akhtar. The untitled film, to be directed by Reema Kagti, features Aamir with Kareena Kapoor. It rolls early next year.
Says a source, "Though the mystery thriller is a joint production between the two actor-producers, Aamir definitely wants an upper hand.
The star always takes home a share of the profits even when he is not the producer. In this film, as he is both, he wants his percentage to go up considerably."
Adds the source, "What's of interest is that Farhan and his partner Ritesh Sidhwani's banner Excel Entertainment is well-known with hits to their credit. Yet the star has demanded a higher share from them.
During Ghajini, Aamir had staked an 80 per cent claim as the producer-director were not known names in B-Town. With this project, too, he wants to continue with his practice."
Mr Perfectionist took a long time to say yes to another project after 3 Idiots.
Add to this the fact that the Aamir-Farhan duo come together a decade after their hit Dil Chahta Hai. The star feels the stakes go up much higher for the project.
Aamir's spokesperson however maintains, "This is not true. Aamir is co-producing the film with Ritesh and Farhan."
While Ritesh says, "We are producing together so there is no question of either partner getting a higher stake."
Says a source, "Though the mystery thriller is a joint production between the two actor-producers, Aamir definitely wants an upper hand.
The star always takes home a share of the profits even when he is not the producer. In this film, as he is both, he wants his percentage to go up considerably."
Adds the source, "What's of interest is that Farhan and his partner Ritesh Sidhwani's banner Excel Entertainment is well-known with hits to their credit. Yet the star has demanded a higher share from them.
During Ghajini, Aamir had staked an 80 per cent claim as the producer-director were not known names in B-Town. With this project, too, he wants to continue with his practice."
Mr Perfectionist took a long time to say yes to another project after 3 Idiots.
Add to this the fact that the Aamir-Farhan duo come together a decade after their hit Dil Chahta Hai. The star feels the stakes go up much higher for the project.
Aamir's spokesperson however maintains, "This is not true. Aamir is co-producing the film with Ritesh and Farhan."
While Ritesh says, "We are producing together so there is no question of either partner getting a higher stake."