Aamir Khan's daughter Ira Khan kept her Instafam engaged on Wednesday by answering questions pertaining to her personal life. As a part of Instagram's 'ask me a question' feature, Ira quenched the curiosity of her fans and helped them getting to know her better. Ira's fans were curious to know about her relationship status and she gave them a clear answer. A fan asked Ira: "Are you dating someone," to which Ira replied by posting a picture and she tagged Mishaal Kirpalani. If this is not a hint, we don't know what is?
Take a look at Ira Khan's Instagram story here:
Ira Khan and Mishaal Kirpalani are rumoured to be dating. However, they have never made things official. The duo trended big time after Ira shared pictures of her spring break, which features Mishaal. Ira captioned the post: "Hope your Spring break was sunny and smiley as Mishaal Kirpalani, which of course, I piled onto."
This is what we are talking about:
Ira and Mishaal frequently feature on each other's Instagram profiles. Take a look at some of the posts here:
Ira is the younger of Aamir Khan's two children with his first wife Reena Dutta. Ira has studied music, while her brother Junaid often assists his father in filmmaking. Aamir Khan is now married to filmmaker Kiran Rao and the couple are parents to seven-year-old son named Azad.