Actor Abhinav Shukla, in his latest post on Instagram, revealed that he is "borderline dyslexic" and that it took him "2 decades to accept this fact" and not feel "embarrassed" about himself. The actor, who appeared as a contestant in Bigg Boss 14 and is known for his performance in Geet - Hui Sabse Parayi, shared that numbers and alphabets confuse him and that he has "difficulty remembering dates, names and relation of those dates to names." He added that he is "in a perpetual process of improving on things he is bad at." The 38-year-old actor shared a tweet on Monday morning that read: "I am a borderline dyslexic; it is public now! So, I will divulge more... it's nobody's fault, not even mine, it is what it is! It took me 2 decades to accept this fact! Now numbers and figures don't embarrass me! I am exceptional in spatial ability. I am differently-abled!"
Abhinav Shukla also shared the screenshot of his tweet on his Instagram profile and added: "Yeah, numbers, alphabets, words confound me, I have difficulty remembering dates, names, relation of those dates to names et al. But I am exceptional at spatial ability. Ask me to put all your extra luggage in your car's boot (Dicky). I will! I am good at few things and bad at a few! And I am in a perpetual process of improving on things I am bad at!"
After Abhinav Shukla confessed that he is "borderline dyslexic," he got a big shout-out from his friends from television industry. Actress Divyanka Tripathi and Abhinav's Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 co-contestant commented: "What you are speaking about is a tiny blip in comparison to your vast list of abilities. You amazed me Abhinav with your knowledge about everything. You can hold detailed conversations about vegetation to space to human behaviour! It was always comforting having you around. A balanced and unbiased friend/ person towards all. The world needs more people like you."
Abhinav Shukla's good friend and actress Ekta Kaul wrote about battling ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) in the comments section. "Rambo, I have ADD... so if you see me awkwardly smiling in a conversation, just know I am zoned out. But this condition Really helped me post-marriage (laughing emojis). Zoning out in my superpower," she wrote with laughing icons.
"All I know is you are a Rockstar," commented actor Arjun Bijlani.
See Abhinav Shukla's post here:
Abhinav Shukla has starred in serials like Choti Bahu, Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behna Hai, Diya Aur Baati Hum and movies such as Roar, Luka Chuppi and Jersey No 10.
He is married to actress Rubina Dilaik.