Abhishek Bachchan, who recently underwent surgery for a fracture, has his hand in a cast - he made the revelation in an Instagram post on Wednesday. While celebs were busy sending get well soon messages to Abhishek Bachchan, filmmaker Sanjay Gupta, who is one of Abhishek's close friends, made an interesting observation. "One hand totally out of action but my dear buddy Abhishek Bachchan still wears the most complicated Keds." Sanjay Gupta referred to the pair of trendy sneakers Abhishek Bachchan can be seen wearing in the photo he posted - one that has with thick laces and multiple tie-ups. Abhishek Bachchan's lounging look also includes a pair of baggy denims and a comfy sweatshirt.
Responding to Sanjay Gupta's tweet, Abhishek wrote: "Hahaha. You know it! Always on fleek."
In the past, it was reported that Abhishek Bachchan was to star in Sanjay Gupta's third instalment in the Shootout series of films. Replying to a user, who asked if Abhishek and Sanjay Gupta are collaborating anytime soon, the filmmaker wrote: "Dying to... he's my favourite and will be the coolest gangster the day we get on set." Sanjay Gupta has directed Abhishek's wife, actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in Jazbaa.
Meanwhile on Wednesday, Abhishek Bachchan revealed he suffered a fracture on his right hand on the set of his new film in Chennai. Sharing an update, he wrote: "Had a freak accident in Chennai on the set of my new film last Wednesday. Fractured my right hand. Needed surgery to fix it! So a quick trip back home to Mumbai. Surgery done, all patched-up and casted. And now back in Chennai to resume work. As they say... The show must go on! And as my father said.... Mard ko dard nahin hota! Ok, ok, ok it hurt a little. Thank you all for your wishes and get-well-soon messages." Earlier this week, Amitabh Bachchan and daughter Shweta Bachchan Nanda visited Abhishek at the Lilavati Hospital. Pictures of the father-daughter duo from the hospital went viral.
Abhishek Bachchan's list of upcoming movies include crime thriller Bob Biswas and Dasvi .