While attending a launch event for a comic book with co-star Uday Chopra, Abhishek Bachchan went into the reminiscing mode. Recalling his childhood birthday parties, the actor told the audience how he wanted to have a Superman-themed birthday bash every year, as he was his favourite superhero character.
Bachchan Junior also dished out an anecdote from his yesteryears. Apparently, those of whom who could not get their hands on Superman costume, came to the party dressed in red underwear over their staple denim pants. And apparently, one of those not-so-lucky kids today is a rather prominent person in the industry. Abhishek said, "I can't reveal the name of the person! He is very influential in the industry today. If I do, Uday and I won't get any more work."
Wondering who the Superman could be? Presently, Abhishek Bachchan is said to be quite pally with filmmakers Farhan Akhtar, Goldie Behl and Rohan Sippy, and it could well be any one of them. Well, our guess is as good as yours!
Bachchan Junior also dished out an anecdote from his yesteryears. Apparently, those of whom who could not get their hands on Superman costume, came to the party dressed in red underwear over their staple denim pants. And apparently, one of those not-so-lucky kids today is a rather prominent person in the industry. Abhishek said, "I can't reveal the name of the person! He is very influential in the industry today. If I do, Uday and I won't get any more work."
Wondering who the Superman could be? Presently, Abhishek Bachchan is said to be quite pally with filmmakers Farhan Akhtar, Goldie Behl and Rohan Sippy, and it could well be any one of them. Well, our guess is as good as yours!