This Article is From Jul 09, 2011

Acting is vacation compared to direction: Tom Hanks

New Delhi: Hollywood star Tom Hanks, whoopted for the director's chair a second time in Larry Crownefeels acting is like a vacation compared to his stint behindthe camera.

Hanks first directorial effort was That Thing You Do!.

The 55-year-old star, much loved for his roles in ForrestGump, Apollo 13, Saving Private Ryan, Philadelphia andCast Away, has also written and produced his new rom-com,which released in India this Friday.

"Acting is almost like a vacation compared with theworkload that a director has. An actor really only has to showpeople what he's thinking while a director has to start havingmeetings eight months before the first day of shooting andcontinues having meetings nine months after it's all over,"Hanks told PTI in an email interview.

Another disadvantage of being the master of the ship wasthat Hanks had to show up on time for every shoot.

Larry Crowne is about a middle aged man, played byHanks, who decides to go to college after being downsized.

"I wanted to talk about reinvention on an authenticscale. I thought 'What about a guy who has done everythingright, but one day he walks into work and they say, 'Nothingpersonal, but you're fired'?' And that made me think goingback to college would be probably the only thing you could do.And then what if Julia Roberts is his teacher?," Hanks said.

The two-time Oscar-winner says Julia Roberts was alwaysthe first choice because she reminded him of his past teachercrushes and the actor ensured that he gets to say "I Love You"to his teacher this time.

"There was never anyone but Julia (Roberts). I had someteachers who looked like Julia. I would see them and think, 'Ilove you'. Make no mistake of Julia's ability to find what isfunny in a scene smack up against what is authentic," Hankssaid about his co-star in Charlie Wilson's War.

The actor says the idea of the movie came from his ownchildhood, where he saw many people returning to college insearch of a better future.

"My first years in college were much like Larry's. I wasin junior college because it was my only option. Two years injunior college became the jumping off point for everythingthat came later and I think this was the same for others notjust kids out of high school, but guys back from Vietnam,wives going back to school after their kids were older, andfolks who were looking to change their lives for the better."