Telugu actor Nithiin and Shalini Kandukuri got engaged at an close-knit ceremony in the presence of family and friends on Wednesday in Hyderabad. Nithiin announced his engagement with an adorable photo from the ceremony, accompanied by this caption and a red heart: "Aaaand engaged." The photo shared by Nithiin is a beautiful moment from their engagement, in which the bride can be seen blushing during the ceremony - Nithiin's smile also says it all. For the engagement ceremony, Nithiin opted for a traditional off-white kurta while Shalini looked stunning in an orange and red saree, styled with a kamarbandh and traditional south Indian jewellery.
Let's take a look at Nithiin's post here. Congratulations, you two!
Congratulations from the couple poured in from the likes of actor Rana Daggubati, who also recently got engaged with Miheeka Bajaj. "Congrats, man," he wrote sharing Nithiin's engagement post. Nithiin's Bheeshma co-star Rashmika Mandanna was also one of the first ones to wish the couple. Other co-stars of Nithiin, who showered the couple with best wishes, include Raashi Khanna, Genelia D'Souza, Brahmaji and others.
Congrats man
— Rana Daggubati (@RanaDaggubati) July 22, 2020
Awwww.. congratulations you twoooo!
— Rashmika Mandanna (@iamRashmika) July 22, 2020
Congratulations ♥️♥️
— Raashi (@RaashiKhanna) July 22, 2020
— Genelia Deshmukh (@geneliad) July 22, 2020
So so pretty congratsssssss....
— Lakshmi Manchu (@LakshmiManchu) July 22, 2020
Best wishes for a fun-filled future together.????
— Payal Ghosh (@iampayalghosh) July 22, 2020
Congratulations brother ????????????
— Gopi Mohan (@Gopimohan) July 22, 2020
Congrats Dear ????❤️
— BRAHMAJI (@actorbrahmaji) July 22, 2020
Congratulations brother. Stay blessed
— Hemantmadhukar (@hemantmadhukar) July 22, 2020
Nithiin and Shalini had a traditional family-only ceremony - "pasupu function" - earlier in February to mark the beginning of their wedding festivities. Nithiin had shared these photos with the hashtag "#NithiinShalini."
Nithiin and Shalini's wedding was scheduled for April 16. When the nationwide lockdown began, the actor announced in a statement that the wedding has been postponed in light of the current situation over the coronavirus pandemic. The couple are now reportedly looking forward to a wedding on July 26 with a limited guest-list, which will supposedly be attended by Telugu actors such as Pawan Kalyan, Varun Tej, Trivikram and a few others.
Nithiin is best-known for his performances in films such as Chal Mohan Ranga, A Aa, Heart Attack, Ishq, Hero, Dil, Drona, Agyaat and Victory among many others. 2018 film Srinivasa Kalyanam and Bheeshma are some of the actor's last movies.