The Punjab & Maharashtra Co-Operative (PMC) Bank crisis has affected several people including television actress Nupur Alankar, who told the Times Of India that she secured her life's savings in the PMC Bank and as of now she has to sell her jewellery to meet her daily expenses. Nupur Alankar, who has featured in shows like Agle Janam Mohe Bitiya Hi Kijo and Ghar Ki Lakshmi Betiyann, on Wednesday told the Time of India that though she had money in other bank accounts she had transferred the money to her PMC account. "With no money at home and all our accounts frozen, I was left with no option, but to sell off my jewellery. In fact, I had to borrow Rs 3,000 from a fellow actor. Another one transferred Rs 500 for my commute. So far, I have borrowed Rs 50,000 from friends. There is no clarity when the problem will be resolved and we are scared that we will lose our money," said Nupur Alankar.
"I am facing a major financial crisis. I had accounts in other banks, too, which I transferred to this bank a few years ago. Little did I know that my family members and my life savings will be frozen like this... How am I expected to survive without money? Should I mortgage my house now? Why is there a cap on my own hard-earned money? I have been diligently paying income tax, so why am I suffering today?' she said in an interview with the Times Of India.
Nupur Alankar added that none of her credit or debit cards are now working and she added, "The worst part is, I am not even eligible for a loan anymore. The moment I say that my accounts were in PMC Bank, even the telecallers hang up."
The PMC Bank crisis started in September, a few days before Ganesh Chaturthi.