The makers of Adipurush, on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti, shared a new poster from the film and it features Devdatta Nage as Hanuman. Adipurush, directed by Om Raut, is based on the Ramayana. The poster features Devdatta Nage in a meditative pose. In the backdrop, we get a glimpse of the film's lead actor Prabhas, who plays Raghav in Om Raut's magnum opus. Sharing the poster on social media, Prabhas wrote in the caption: "Ram ke Bhakt aur Ramkatha ke praan...Jai Pavanputra Hanuman (a devotees of Ram and life of Ramkatha...Hail Lord Hanuman). Adipurush releases globally in theatres on June 16, 2023."
See the poster of Adipurush here:
On Ram Navami, the makers of Adipurush shared a poster that featured Prabhas as Raghav, Kriti Sanon as Janaki, Sunny Singh as Shesh and Devdatta Nage as Bajrang. Sharing the poster, the film's lead actor Prabhas wrote: "Mantron se badhke tera naam Jai Shri Ram (Your name is greater than all chants. Hail Lord Ram)."
The film also stars Saif Ali Khan as the antagonist Lankesh. The magnum opus is slated to release in theatres in IMAX and 3D on June 16 this year. The film, directed by Om Raut, has been produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Om Raut, Prasad Sutar and Rajesh Nair of Retrophiles.
Adipurush, starring Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, Saif Ali Khan and Sunny Singh, will release in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam in theatres. The film was initially slated to release on August 11 last year. However, the makers shifted its release date to avoid clash with Aamir Khan's Laal Singh Chaddha, for which the actor thanked the makers of Adipurush.