Mom-to-be Sana Khan and her husband Mufti Anas Sayed attended Baba Siddique's Iftar party in Mumbai on Sunday. Now, a video of the former actress is going viral on the Internet in which Sana, looking breathless, is being rushed inside the venue by her husband. An official page of a paparazzo on Instagram shared a video in which we can see Sana and her husband Mufti Anas Sayed hurriedly walk inside the venue. She looks tiredly and can be seen huffing and puffing towards the end of the video. Soon after the video was posted, many flooded the comment section questioning why her husband was "pulling her". A user wrote, "Why is pulling her that fast in her condition," while another wrote, "Why is he dragging her like that... she's pregnant. Nonsense behavior!"
Well, not long after, the viral video came to Sana Khan's notice, and she immediately issued a clarification in the comment section. She wrote, "This video just came to my notice. And I know it looks weird to all my lovely brothers and sisters and to me infact. We lost contact with driver and car once we came out and I was standing for longer than usual and starting sweating and uncomfortable so he quickly wanted to get me in so I can sit and have water and some air."
"I was the one to tell him let's go in quick as we didn't want to disturb the paps who were there clicking pics of all the guests. So just a request plz don't think otherwise. Thank you all once again for ur concern. Loads of love to everyone here," Sana Khan concluded.
Read Sana Khan's comment below:
Sana Khan and her husband Mufti Anas Saiyad are expecting their first child. In March, Sana and her husband announced the pregnancy during an interview with Iqra TV. When asked how she would feel after becoming a mother, she replied, "Bohot acha (very nice). Sana added, "I'm looking forward to it. Obviously, it's a different journey altogether. Bohot emotionally bhi thoda mere liye as a woman ek up and down both chalta rehta hai (Emotionally, I have been facing many ups and downs). But I think it's a beautiful journey. I'm waiting to have my baby in my arms... that's it."
Sana Khan retired from the entertainment industry after marrying her husband Mufti Anas Saiyad in 2020.