A day after Yash Chopra's birth anniversary, actress Preity Zinta recalled her memories of him, revealing in a post that the filmmaker never called her 'Preity' after their 2004 film Veer-Zaara. Mr Chopra, founder of Yash Raj Films and father of Aditya and Uday Chopra, would have been 88 on Sunday. He died in 2012 weeks after his 80th birthday. Preity, who was directed by Yash Chopra in the cross-border tale Veer-Zaara, wrote in a post that he was her favourite director and that he has the "biggest and youngest heart." Veer-Zaara co-starred Shah Rukh Khan and Rani Mukerji.
In her post, Preity Zinta wrote: "Remembering Yash Uncle - My fav director, a man who had the biggest and the youngest heart. He spoilt me with food, love and his wonderful stories. After I worked with him for Veer Zaara he never called me Preity again. It was always Zaara. Yash Uncle, you will forever live in my heart and millions of hearts. Thank you for enriching our lives by giving us such beautiful, meaningful and memorable cinema. Love you."
Preity Zinta also starred in the Yash Raj-produced films Salaam Namaste and Jhoom Barabar Jhoom. Read her post here:
On Sunday, Yash Chopra's birthday, his son Aditya shared a note released on Yash Raj Films' social media accounts (the famously reclusive filmmaker is not on social media). It was reposted by two film fraternity members closely associated with YRF - Karan Johar and Hrithik Roshan:
His movies made me love the movies...his hand on my head gave me the strength to stand tall behind the camera..Yash Chopra was not just a filmmaker but a bonafide institution...a legacy so beautifully and Brilliantly taken forward by my mentor and teacher Aditya Chopra....#YRF50 pic.twitter.com/uj4NLwpypB
— Karan Johar (@karanjohar) September 27, 2020
Remembering the legendary & my beloved Yash uncle as Yash Raj Films marks 50 glorious years of Entertainment. I have not only been an audience to films, but also the evolution of Indian cinema from strength to strength.
— Hrithik Roshan (@iHrithik) September 27, 2020
I have been the proud witness & a silent spectator to...1/2 https://t.co/N9SDfMmsFp
..the growth of my friend Adi Chopra, his vision, courage & understanding of showbiz. Today as I see you strike this milestone, I would like to cheer for and congratulate Adi & team @yrf! Here's to many more years of entertaining, producing and film making https://t.co/N9SDfMmsFp
— Hrithik Roshan (@iHrithik) September 27, 2020
Yash Chopra's best-known work as a director include Waqt, Daag, Kabhi Kabhie, Silsila, Chandni, Lamhe and Dil To Pagal Hai. Veer-Zaara and 2014's Jab Tak Hai Jaan were the last two films he directed. 1973's Daag was also the first film Mr Chopra produced - among his vast filmography as producer is the iconic Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, directed by Yash Chopra's son Aditya.