Singer Aditya Narayan's latest concert in Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, snowballed into a controversy after he forcibly snatched a phone from a fan in the crowd and threw it away. The video went viral. After the singer was massively slammed by a section of the Internet, the concert's event manager, in an interview with Zoom, said, "That boy was not even a college student, he must be someone from outside the college. He was constantly dragging Aditya's feet nonstop. He was very irritating. He banged his phone on Aditya's feet multiple times. After that only did he lose his cool. He must have taken almost 200 selfies with this student. The whole concert went smooth apart from this. After this incident, the show went on for almost two hours. If the student was right, he would have come forward."
The event manager added during his interaction with Zoom, "Even Darshan Rawal stopped doing such college events because these kinds of activities keep happening in every city. People don't know the truth behind everything. You just see one side. He kept continuously hitting and dragging Aditya, what if he had fallen down? If this boy was right, he would have come forward and told the college authorities that this has happened to him. I have been connected with the college since many years and they haven't had a good concert like this one ever. They have said so themselves."
Check out the viral video here:
Aditya Narayan, son of ace singer Udit Narayan, gained popularity through fans' support, but now he assaults a fan by throwing his mobile. #AdityaNarayan should be banned from participating in concerts for a couple of years and apologize to the fan for his actions. He needs a...
— Deepak Khatri (@Deepakkhatri812) February 12, 2024
Aditya Narayan, son of playback singer Udit Narayan and Deepa Narayan, has hosted several reality shows such as Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Challenge, Rising Star 3 and Entertainment Ki Raat to name a few. He has also hosted several seasons of the singing reality show Indian Idol.