Suniel Shetty's son Ahan Shetty began his journey in Bollywood on Tuesday as his debut film went on floors in Mumbai. Ahan Shetty began shooting the yet-untitled project with a 'lot of drama', which is a remake of 2018 Telugu blockbuster RX 100, at a South Mumbai theatre. Speaking to Mumbai Mirror, director Milan Luthria said Ahan was to be briefly joined by his co-star Tara Sutaria for lunch, who will begin shooting later: "She will be present for lunch on the first day but isn't part of the shoot." Meanwhile, about Ahaan's character in the movie, the filmmaker said: "Ahan's character runs a movie theatre there (Mumbai). The scene with which the schedule is starting has a lot of drama."
First Shoot
— Nadiadwala Grandson (@NGEMovies) August 6, 2019
First Day
First Clap
We are ready to embark on this beautiful journey together Here's to many more #AhanShetty #SajidNadiadwala @milanluthria @tarasutariaa @WardaNadiadwala @foxstarhindi
The Telugu movie RX 100 features Kartikeya Gummakonda and Payal Rajput as its lead cast. The film is a romantic drama, filled with nail-biting action sequences, for which Ahan Shetty has undergone months of training. Stunts director Stefan Richter, who has worked in films such as Kick and Dishoom, is in charge of choreographing the stunts. "Stefan has a terrific body of work behind him and understands my kind of action. Preliminary meetings with him and Ahan have been exciting and he's the perfect choice for the stuff we are attempting to showcase with him," producer Sajid Nadiadwala had said in a statement earlier.
Filming begins... Glimpses from mahurat ceremony... Ahan Shetty - son of Suniel Shetty - begins his journey in #Hindi films with the #Hindi adaptation of #Telugu film #RX100... Costars Tara Sutaria... Directed by Milan Luthria... Produced by Sajid Nadiadwala.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) August 6, 2019
About casting Tara Sutaria, Mr Nadiadwala said she and Ahan share an 'interesting' chemistry: "We have found our leading lady and I must say that Tara is really a proficient actor. I feel they (Tara and Ahan) will make a really romantic and an interesting pair for the audiences to see. We shall begin shooting from June."
Director Milan Luthria and the writer of the film Rajat Arora have zeroed in on locations across Mussoorie, Dehradun and Hrishikesh for the film's shoot. The film hasn't been assigned a release date yet.