With the re-entry of Bigg Boss 7 alumnus Ajaz Khan into the house this season, the contestants start feeling threatened on their own turf. Ajaz entered the Bigg Boss< house on Day 100 with an unexpected twist.
Ajaz challenges the participants and claims his carte blanche in the house, leaving other contestants in a state of utter shock and despair. While the contestants resort to devising new strategies to survive the unexpected developments in the show, Bigg Boss announces the luxury budget task 'Freeze-Release'. The task commands the housemates to freeze or turn to statues on being asked and stay immobile until released by Bigg Boss.
While all the contestants are asked to abide by the rules of the game, Ajaz is given the task to challenge the housemates and compel them to move from their stationary state.
As soon as the luxury budget task begins, all contestants follow Bigg Boss' freeze command and stay where they are. Ajaz is given the liberty to speak and act as a guide to a group of tourists enthusiastic to take a tour of the Bigg Boss
Once Ajaz entertains the tourists, a very enthusiastic clown enters the house and begins smashing cakes onto the faces of the housemates abiding by the 'freeze' command.
Contestants try their best to stay dedicated to the luxury budget task at hand.
After the hilarious cake-smashing session, things take an emotional turn for Puneet Issar, who is greeted by his wife Deepali in the confession room with a warm hug.
Puneet's rendezvous with his wife after a hundred days leaves him feeling homesick.
The Freeze-Release task successfully tested the will and determination of the contestants and paved way for more unexpected twists in Bigg Boss 8