Akashathinte Niram(The Colour of the Sky), a Malayalam film directed by Bijuhas been chosen for the Golden Goblet competition section ofthe Shanghai International Film Festival.
This is the first time a Malayalam movie is beingselected for the main competition section of the Shanghaifestival, a release here said.
The festival is to be held from June 16 to 24 inShanghai, China.
Akashathinte Niram is the fourth feature film directed byBiju. His earlier films Saira (2005), Raman (2008) andVeettilekulla Vazhi (The Way Home/2010) were screened atvarious international festivals.
Veettilekulla Vazhi also bagged the national award forthe best Malayalam film last year.
This is the first time a Malayalam movie is beingselected for the main competition section of the Shanghaifestival, a release here said.
The festival is to be held from June 16 to 24 inShanghai, China.
Akashathinte Niram is the fourth feature film directed byBiju. His earlier films Saira (2005), Raman (2008) andVeettilekulla Vazhi (The Way Home/2010) were screened atvarious international festivals.
Veettilekulla Vazhi also bagged the national award forthe best Malayalam film last year.