Bollywood stars Alia Bhatt, Kapil Sharma and many others from the film fraternity attended an event organized for children battling cancer. Now a video from the event has gone viral which shows Alia Bhatt and Kapil Sharma dancing on stage with the little ones. In the heartwarming video shared by comedian Kapil Sharma, Alia Bhatt, dressed in all pink, can be seen jumping, running and dancing with the little kids to the song Bum Bum Bole from Aamir Khan's film Taare Zameen Par. Kapil Sharma can also be seen dancing and having a gala time on stage. For the caption, he wrote, "Thank you @impacctfoundation @sgrfoundation @tatamemorial for making us part of this wonderful annual day organized by kids of #hopefoundation such a pleasure to watch these little fighters who are fighting with such high spirit and positivity. May god bless these little warriors with more strength and good health always."
Take a look at the video below:
See how Alia Bhatt attended the event:
A few days back, a photo of the Gully Boy actress with Hollywood actor Andrew Garfield, who played Spider-Man, was trending big on social media.
Alia Bhatt attended the third edition of the Red Sea International Film Festival in Saudi Arabia recently. Photos and a video featuring Alia Bhatt and Hollywood actor Andrew Garfield went viral on social media. In the photos, we can see the two exchanging smiles and shaking hands at the closing ceremony of the film festival in Jeddah. Sharing their photos, an X user wrote, "Alia Bhatt and Andrew Garfield shaking hands omg." Another person wrote on X (formerly Twitter), "Multiverse of madness just got real" while another said, "Alia Bhatt and Andrew Garfield moment."
Take a look at the post below:
Alia Bhatt also shared some pictures from the closing ceremony of the Red Sea International Film Festival. For the caption, Alia Bhatt wrote, "Twas a special night. Thank you for having me." See what Alia Bhatt posted:
On the work front, the Gully Boy actress will next be seen in Vasan Bala's Jigra. She also has Farhan Akhtar's Jee Le Zaraa, alongside Priyanka Chopra and Katrina Kaif in the line-up. This year, she also received the Best Actress prize at the 69th National Film Awards for her stellar performance in Gangubai Kathiawadi.