In a moving tribute shared on Instagram, actress Alia Bhatt detailed how she became closer to Rishi Kapoor over the last two years, obliquely referring to her relationship with the late actor's son Ranbir. Rishi Kapoor, 67, died of cancer on Thursday and Alia was among the few non-Kapoors to attend the funeral. "Today everyone speaks of the legend that is Rishi Kapoor and though I've known him like that all my life, for the past two years I've known him as a friend, a fellow Chinese food lover, a total cinema lover, a fighter, a leader, a beautiful storyteller, an extremely passionate tweeter and a father," wrote Alia, who co-starred with the actor in her first film Student Of The Year and later in Kapoor And Sons.
Read her post here:
Alia Bhatt also shared throwback pictures of Rishi Kapoor with his wife Neetu and with Ranbir as a young boy.
Reacting to Alia's heartfelt note, Neetu Kapoor commented "love you," while she dropped heart emoticons for the throwback pictures of Rishi Kapoor featuring herself and Ranbir.
Alia Bhatt, who has reportedly moved in with Ranbir Kapoor, was present at the funeral of Rishi Kapoor on Thursday. Her car was also filmed at the hospital Mr Kapoor died in. Rishi Kapoor died after a two-year-long battle with cancer. The star of films like Bobby, Amar Akbar Anthony, Karz and Khel Khel Mein, Mr Kapoor was diagnosed with cancer in 2018 after which he underwent treatment in New York for 11 months. The veteran actor returned to India in September last year.
Rishi Kapoor is survived by his wife Neetu, son Ranbir, daughter Riddhima and other members of the vast Kapoor family.