Alia Bhatt, who is currently busy filming Brahmastra and RRR, treated her fans to a stunning picture of herself on Sunday. The actress summed up her weekend mood with her latest post. In the photo, Alia Bhatt can be seen sporting a blue top and denim shorts and posing against an orange wall for the camera. In the caption, she wrote: "Fruity" with a watermelon emoji. Needless to say, Alia's fans loved her flawless skin in the picture. "You are so beautiful," commented one of the users while another wrote: "Looking so amazing, my favourite." Check out the actress' post here:
On popular demand last week, Alia Bhatt posted two pictures of herself with her boyfriend, actor Ranbir Kapoor, and director Ayan Mukerji from the sets of their film Brahmastra. "It's a blessing to be on this journey...And these magical boys just make everything," she wrote with a couple of fire and heart icons. Take a look:
Last month, the teaser of Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Gangubai Kathiawadi, in which Alia Bhatt plays the titular role, dropped on the Internet. The film is based on the life of Gangubai Kathiawadi, who was a sex worker but later emerged as an underworld don in Mumbai. Watch the teaser here:
Alia Bhatt made her debut in Bollywood with the 2012 film Student Of The Year. She went on to feature in films like Highway, 2 States, Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania, Shaandaar, Kapoor & Sons, Udta Punjab, Dear Zindagi, Raazi and Gully Boy.
She was last seen in Sadak 2.