South star Allu Arjun, 37 today, shared a present for his fans on his birthday by revealing the first look and the title of his upcoming film - Pushpa. On Wednesday, Allu Arjun shared the first look posters on his social media profile and left the Internet into a tizzy. It wouldn't be wrong to say that his fierce look left his fans awestruck. In the first poster, which is a close-up shot, the actor sports a beard and a checked shirt while in the second one, he can be seen sitting on the floor with a few policemen standing behind him. Directed by Sukumar, the film will feature Rashmika Mandanna as the female lead. Pushpa will release in five languages - Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam and Kannada. The details about Allu Arjun's character has not been revealed yet, however, it has been reported that he will play a lorry driver while Rashmika will feature as his wife in the film.
Sharing the title and the first look of Pushpa, Allu Arjun wrote: "First Look and the title of my next movie Pushpa. Directed by dearest Sukumar garu. Music by dearest friend Devi Sri Prasad. Really excited about this one. Hoping all of you like it."
Pushpa is co-produced by Mythri Movie Makers and Muttamsetty Media.
On the work front, Allu Arjun was last seen in Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo, in which he shared screen space with Pooja Hegde. The film also starred Tabu, Jayaram, Sushanth, Navdeep, Nivetha Pethuraj, Samuthirakani, Murali Sharma, Rajendra Prasad, Sunil, Sachin Khedekar and Harsha Vardhan in pivotal roles.