Rumours about Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's separation have been swirling online. Amid this, Abhishek's father and veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan shared a cryptic note on his blog. "There is no shortage of fools and dim-witted people in this world; They try to hide their own misdeeds by writing about others. Idiots and those with limited brain - never a dearth of such in this World; they make and print their own imbecile fakes each day to hide their own personal, brainless, half-witted deficiencies".
The megastar also posted a note on his X (formerly Twitter) account, saying, "T 5216 - People, who find their own meaning in every word, hide the misfortune of their personal life."
T 5216 - बनाने वाले जो हर शब्द का अपना ही अर्थ निकलते हैं , अपने निजी जीवन के अनर्थ को छिपाते हैं 🤣
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) December 7, 2024
While the reason behind this post left many Internet users puzzled, some speculated that it was in response to the ongoing rumours about the rumoured separation of Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.
This is not the first time Amitabh Bachchan has shared a cryptic note amid the ongoing separation rumours. Earlier this month, he posted a terse message on X, simply saying "Chup" (quiet), followed by an angry emoji.
Rumours about Abhishek and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's divorce have been circulating on social media for quite some time now. These rumours gained traction when the couple arrived separately at a high-profile wedding In July. The speculation intensified when Abhishek liked an Instagram post discussing the increase in "grey divorces," which further fuelled the divorce rumours.
The post, which Abhishek Bachchan liked, revolves around the idea of "Why love stops being easy." It also states, "Couples who have been married for long are now parting ways. What has prompted their decision and why are grey divorces on the rise?"
Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan married in April 2007. The two welcomed their daughter Aaradhya Bachchan in November 2011. So far, the couple have not confirmed nor denied the divorce rumours.
On the professional front, they worked together in several films such as Dhai Akshar Prem Ke (2000), Kuch Naa Kaho (2003), Dhoom 2 (2006), Umrao Jaan (2006), Guru (2007), Sarkar Raj (2008), and Raavan (2010)."