The release of the trailer of Abhishek Bachchan's new film The Big Bull was followed by a predictable narrative on social media - Twitter went into overdrive comparing it to Scam 1992, the web-series that released last year, and found The Big Bull wanting. Both are based on the story of market manipulator Harshad Mehta and the 1992 stock market scam; The Big Bull is a fictionalised version, Scam 1992 is a more realistic take. All day Friday, Twitter has been deluged with posts unfavourably comparing Abhishek Bachchan's performance to that of actor Pratik Gandhi, cast as Harshad Mehta in Scam 1992.
Scam 1992 director Hansal Mehta urged restraint in a tweet, writing: "Please don't make unfair comparisons. There can be multiple tales of the same story. Every story-teller will have his own way and should be seen independent of the other. This film has so many talents involved just like my show. They've done their best and they deserve your love." Mr Mehta added a shoutout in a second tweet: "And very intriguing trailer with such phenomenal actors. You are in great form Abhishek Bachchan."
Please don't make unfair comparisons. There can be multiple tales on the same story. Every story-teller will have his own way and should be seen independent of the other. This film has so many talents involved just like my show. They've done their best and they deserve your love.
— Hansal Mehta (@mehtahansal) March 19, 2021
Pratik Gandhi, feted for his performance in Scam 1992, also gave Abhishek Bachchan a big up. "Congratulations Abhishek Bachchan and the whole team of The Big Bull. The trailer looks promising. Looking forward to watch the film," he tweeted.
Congratulations @juniorbachchan and the whole team of #TheBigBull .
— Pratik Gandhi (@pratikg80) March 19, 2021
The trailer looks promising. Looking forward to watch the film.
The Big Bull, produced by Ajay Devgn, stars Abhishek Bachchan as a fictionalised version of Harshad Mehta who was convicted for his role in stock manipulation. The film co-stars Ileana D'Cruz as a journalist, based on Sucheta Dalal who uncovered the financial scandal in 1992. Watch the trailer here:
The cast of The Big Bull also includes Sohum Shah, Ram Kapoor, Mahesh Manjrekar and Nikita Dutta. Directed by Kookie Gulati, it will release on April 8.