YouTuber Lee Jin Ho has claimed that Kim Sae Ron was pregnant with the baby of her Korean American boyfriend, who lived in New York. The YouTuber shared an alleged audio recording between Kim Sae Ron and an ex-staff member of her agency.
As per the alleged audio, the actress told the staff member that she had to marry her Korean-American boyfriend because she got pregnant with his baby.
"I got rid of the baby. He threatened me with the baby, so I got married," the actress was allegedly heard saying in the audio.
Meanwhile, Kim Sae Ron's family has filed a lawsuit against the YouTuber for spreading lies about their deceased daughter.
The family also addressed a press conference on March 17 at the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency in Seoul, reported Soompi.
Bu Ji Seok, the legal representative of Kim Sae-ron's bereaved family, Kwon Young Chan, the director of the Korea Celebrity Suicide Prevention Association, and Kim Se Eui, the head of HoverLab Inc attended the press meeting.
Kim Se Eui said, “This press conference marks the beginning of the first lawsuit, and we will continue to pursue legal action from this point forward”. He reiterated the demand for Kim Soo Hyun to issue a public apology.
The statement read, “In our hearts, we wish to file charges under the crime of murder. However, as defamation does not fall under the methods of murder according to legal precedents, we regretfully hope that the fact that the deceased's death is causally linked to YouTuber Lee Jin Ho's dissemination of false information will be fully reflected in the sentencing, leading to the strictest possible punishment”.
It claimed, “On March 24, 2024, the deceased uploaded a photo of her with her ex Kim Soo Hyun. This was because she had received a certification of contents demanding repayment of debts from Kim Soo Hyun's agency. Hoping that Kim Soo Hyun might not be involved in this matter, she attempted to contact him, but when there was no response, she briefly uploaded the photo, thinking it might prompt him to reach out. However, YouTuber Lee Jin Ho, for reasons unknown, not only denied the past romantic relationship between the deceased and Kim Soo Hyun but also spread false information that portrayed the deceased in a negative light, making her appear as an unusual or problematic person. This caused the deceased to suffer extreme mental anguish, ultimately driving her to make an irreversible decision”.