Rashmika Mandanna's latest offering Pushpa: The Rule - Part 2 opened to stellar box office numbers on Thursday. Rashmika, who reprised her role as Srivalli in the much-awaited sequel, was pictured at a Hyderabad theatre along with Vijay Deverakonda's mother Devarakonda Madhavi, and his brother Anand Deverakonda. Rashmika is rumoured to be dating her Dear Comrade co-star for a while. The couple haven't denied or accepted their relationship in public though they drop meaningful hints for their significant others. In the picture, Rashmika was dressed in her casual best. The picture is viral on social media. Take a look at the video:
A few days ago, Rashmika Mandanna, who was present at a pre-release event of her film Pushpa 2, was asked by the host if she wants to marry someone from the industry or outside. "Would you marry someone from the film industry or should your husband be someone from outside the industry? If you give us some clarity, we'll find out you the boy," the host said. Rashmika's reply was short and sweet, "Everyone knows about it." The audience gave a roaring shout out to her response.
When the host teased her to reveal more, Rashmika replied, "I know what answer you want, I know it well." She diverted the conversation with these words, "Let's not delve into that right now, I'll tell you later, personally."
Rumours of Vijay Deverakonda and Rashmika Mandanna's dating began in January 2023, following their rumoured vacation in the Maldives. A few days ago, pictures of the two on a lunch date went viral in no time.
Earlier, Rashmika Mandanna talked about her equation with Vijay Deverakonda in an interview with We Are Yuvaa. She said, "Viju and I sort of grew up together. So anything I do in my life right now, he has a contribution to it. I take his advice in anything I do, I need his opinion. He's not a yes person. He's on point. This is good...this is not good...this is what I think...this is what I don't think. He has supported me personally more than anyone else in my entire life. So, I feel he's someone I really, really respect."