Abhishek Bachchan, who is busy with the promotions of his upcoming film Ghoomer, recently talked about how his father Amitabh Bachchan's encouraging words on social media about his work "embarass" him at times. In the last couple of years, Amitabh Bachchan appears to be the biggest cheerleader for son Abhishek's work. From the release of a teaser to the final show, Amitabh Bachchan keeps on cheering for his son on social media. The senior Bachchan also responds to the comments made by the Internet about Abhishek's shows. Asked about his father's enthusiastic shout outs on social media, Abhishek Bachchan said to The Indian Express, "It is wonderful. But times you feel it's a bit excessive, it's embarrassing and I told him that once, 'Hey, can you just back of a bit? Take your foot off the accelerator!' But we forget, he is also a father. I am a father today and I know the raw emotion that comes with a child. You can't blame him."
Abhishek Bachchan also added that his father has taken time to open up on social media over the years. Abhishek said to The Indian Express, "He has finally mustered up the courage to be public about it. He never used to before. He was very shy, almost very scared of expressing his opinions and emotions about it. But he is not doing it (praising me) blindly. I know if there is a scene or a film that he has not liked, or he feels it could have been better, he tells me honestly. We forget that apart from being a huge icon, he is also a father. I hope he is proud of me and I will work towards making proud."
Abhishek Bachchan plays the character of a mentor to Saiyami Kher, who loses her one hand in an accident in the film Ghoomer. Saiyami Kher portrays the character of an aspiring cricketer who wants to play for Indian cricket team. After the trailer of the film released, Amitabh Bachchan heaped praises on his son with these words, "Bhaiyu .. my love and wishes for GHOOMER .. seen a few shots and it is amazing how you change and adapt characters in tune with the subject of the film .. my prayers and wishes always .. love"
Take a look at Amitabh Bachchan's tweet here:
Bhaiyu .. my love and wishes for GHOOMER .. seen a few shots and it is amazing how you change and adapt characters in tune with the subject of the film .. my prayers and wishes❤️ always .. love https://t.co/xZApuXbyv7
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) August 1, 2023
Sharing the trailer of the film, Abhishek Bachchan wrote in the caption, "Baayein haath ka khel.#GhoomerTrailer out now!" Take a look at the trailer here:
Written and directed by R Balki, Ghoomer also stars Shabana Azmi and Angad Bedi in prominent roles.