Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan on Sunday wished fans on Durga Puja and posted a photo of an 88-feet idol, said to be the biggest in the world.
Big B, whose wife Jaya is a Bengali, tweeted about the attraction and shared a photo of a traditional idol as well.
Made of cement, the idol at south Kolkata's Deshapriya park puja, is a huge crowd-puller this Durga puja. Over 40 artists worked for over two months to sculpt the gigantic model.
Big B, whose wife Jaya is a Bengali, tweeted about the attraction and shared a photo of a traditional idol as well.
T 2031 - Happy Pujo Greetings to all .. peace prosperity !! (this idol is made of cement and the largest in Kolkata)
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) October 18, 2015
T 2031 - The idol of Durga is made in cement and the largest Durga idol in the world .. and it stands in Kolkata !!
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) October 18, 2015
Made of cement, the idol at south Kolkata's Deshapriya park puja, is a huge crowd-puller this Durga puja. Over 40 artists worked for over two months to sculpt the gigantic model.