Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan has urged the Uttar Pradesh government to redirect the pension amount of Rs 50,000, which each member of his family has reportedly become eligible for, to 'any noble charitable scheme or cause that benefits the poor and the needy'. (Also Read: Amitabh Bachchan 'Gives Up' LPG Subsidy With Some Advice From PM Modi)
Mr Bachchan, his wife Jaya and son Abhishek, have reportedly become the beneficiaries of the state government's latest pension scheme, which grants a lifelong pension of Rs 50,000 per month, to people who have been awarded the state's Yash Bharti Samman.
"I respect the UP government's honour of the Yash Bharti Award to members of my family, and their decision as per reports in the press, for providing pension of Rs 50,000 per month to each recipient, I am requesting the UP government, with all humility, to redirect the entire amount designated for my family towards any noble charitable scheme or cause that benefits the poor and the needy," Mr Bachchan, 73, said in a statement.
"I shall be writing to the Chief Minister in this regard, in a separate communication," he added.
Mr Bachchan, his wife Jaya and son Abhishek, have reportedly become the beneficiaries of the state government's latest pension scheme, which grants a lifelong pension of Rs 50,000 per month, to people who have been awarded the state's Yash Bharti Samman.
"I respect the UP government's honour of the Yash Bharti Award to members of my family, and their decision as per reports in the press, for providing pension of Rs 50,000 per month to each recipient, I am requesting the UP government, with all humility, to redirect the entire amount designated for my family towards any noble charitable scheme or cause that benefits the poor and the needy," Mr Bachchan, 73, said in a statement.
"I shall be writing to the Chief Minister in this regard, in a separate communication," he added.