A tribute to Satyajit Ray is a rare oportunity, says Ananth Mahadevan
New Delhi:
Actor-director Ananth Mahadevanwill pay tribute to Satyajit Ray by adapting a short story ofthe master filmmaker and megastar Amitabh Bachchan is top onhis wish list to play the lead role.
Golpo Boliye Tarini Khuro follows the sojourn of a manwho after retirement is looking to keep himself engaged and isinvited to be a storyteller for a rich businessman.
It is a piquant situation he finds himself in and Satyajit Raysprings two magnificent surprises in the narrative, saysMahadevan who was approached with the story by writer friendTapobrati Das Sammaddar.
"It set my adrenaline pumping. A tribute to Satyajit Ray was arare opportunity and after hearing the charming story he hadpenned, I wrote to (son) Sandip Ray for permissions," he says.He was hoping that Sandip wouldn't have any reservations."After all, it's better to keep the master's story confinedwithin the pages of a book rather than let it turn into awrongly made film. But I guess my track record of 4 Nationalawards for (biopic) Mee Sindhutai Sapkal and my penchant forchallenging subjects turned the tide in my favour," Mahadevantold PTI.
Sandip was "prompt and gracious in giving me therequisite permission" to film his father's story.Right now, Mr Bachchan is top on Mahadevan's wish list andhe has written to him, detailing the project and is waiting tohear from the Big B.
"I am waiting for Mr Bachchan to revert. He had voicedthe commentary in Ray's Shatranj Ke Khiladi and I am hopingthat he would find this project inspiring enough to beinvolved with," the filmmaker says.
The film will be christened The Storyteller. Mahadevanis working on the rest of the cast and crew."Paresh Rawal was delighted with the story and evincedkeen interest to be part of the film. I am in the process oflocking in other names like Sreekar Prasad for edit, ResulPookutty for sound design and the maestro L Subramaniam forthe score.
Tarini Khuro or Tarini uncle is a fictional charactercreated by Satyajit Ray and is central to about 15 stories written bymaster filmmaker.
Golpo Boliye Tarini Khuro follows the sojourn of a manwho after retirement is looking to keep himself engaged and isinvited to be a storyteller for a rich businessman.
It is a piquant situation he finds himself in and Satyajit Raysprings two magnificent surprises in the narrative, saysMahadevan who was approached with the story by writer friendTapobrati Das Sammaddar.
"It set my adrenaline pumping. A tribute to Satyajit Ray was arare opportunity and after hearing the charming story he hadpenned, I wrote to (son) Sandip Ray for permissions," he says.He was hoping that Sandip wouldn't have any reservations."After all, it's better to keep the master's story confinedwithin the pages of a book rather than let it turn into awrongly made film. But I guess my track record of 4 Nationalawards for (biopic) Mee Sindhutai Sapkal and my penchant forchallenging subjects turned the tide in my favour," Mahadevantold PTI.
Sandip was "prompt and gracious in giving me therequisite permission" to film his father's story.Right now, Mr Bachchan is top on Mahadevan's wish list andhe has written to him, detailing the project and is waiting tohear from the Big B.
"I am waiting for Mr Bachchan to revert. He had voicedthe commentary in Ray's Shatranj Ke Khiladi and I am hopingthat he would find this project inspiring enough to beinvolved with," the filmmaker says.
The film will be christened The Storyteller. Mahadevanis working on the rest of the cast and crew."Paresh Rawal was delighted with the story and evincedkeen interest to be part of the film. I am in the process oflocking in other names like Sreekar Prasad for edit, ResulPookutty for sound design and the maestro L Subramaniam forthe score.
Tarini Khuro or Tarini uncle is a fictional charactercreated by Satyajit Ray and is central to about 15 stories written bymaster filmmaker.