Ananya Panday just made our Friday even better with her adorable Instagram entry. The young actress went down memory lane to share an old gem of a picture with her fans. The picture is from the days when Ananya Panday was a toddler. Ananya has always been a serial chiller and the picture that she shared is proof of that. In the picture, she can be seen chilling on a sunlounger on a beach. She can be seen dressed in a cute yellow dress. The showstealer of the picture has to be Ananya's hair that seem all styled up into spikes. The picture also features Ananya's mother Bhavana Pandey, who can be seen soaking up the sun on another sunlounger next to Ananya. Sharing the picture on Instagram, Ananya wrote: "I was clearly born ready for a hair commercial."
The actress' post received scores of comments. Among others, Bhavana Pandey's BFF Maheep Kapoor, filmmaker Farah Khan and actress Dia Mirza commented on her post. "Cutie," Maheep wrote in the comments section. Farah Khan, on the other hand, couldn't stop but notice Bhavana Pandey's bikini. "Chck out bhav's bikini," Farah wrote in her comment. As per Dia Mirza, Ananya Panday's hair in the picture resembles the mohawk hairstyle. "M- awwwww - hawk," Dia commented.
Take a look at Ananya Panday's new picture here:
Earlier this week, Ananya dedicated an Instagram post to her mother on her birthday. She shared two picture of herself and Bhavana Pandey and wrote: "If love had a face, it would be yours. Happppy bday Maaama, love u for life."
Check out the post here:
In terms of work, Ananya was last seen in the film Khaali Peeli, co-starring Ishaan Khatter. She will next be seen in Shakun Batra's untitled next. The film will also feature Deepika Padukone and Siddhant Chaturvedi.