Ananya Panday just made her Koffee With Karan debut - the first time we were properly introduced to the actress ahead of her Bollywood debut. While she trended for her spunky personality following her appearance on the show, she also featured in several memes for her super animated expressions. But Ananya Panday is "enjoying" (more on that later) every bit of the attention (courtesy the viral memes) and has been sharing her favourites on her Instagram stories. Fan clubs have curated screenshots of those, in which she wrote comments like: "I can relate", "why though?" and "facts." Fact is that Ananya Panday may be a size zero but she's a huge fan of ice cream.
Ananya Panday shared the Koffee couch with her Student Of The Year 2 co-stars Tara Sutaria and Tiger Shroff. On the show, she revealed that Tara often gives her vocabulary lessons, for example, every time she says: "I'm enjoying", she's made to correct it to: "I'm enjoying myself or something" by Tara. This made Ananya describe several moments on the show as "I'm enjoying." LOL.
Here are a few of the screenshots of Ananya's Instagram stories:
And these memes will indeed make you ROFL.
Meanwhile on the show, Ananya Panday made revelations like she would like to go on a date with Kartik Aaryan, that she prefers Tiger Shroff's shirtless persona and that the best way to "get her attention" is to give her "lots of it."
Ananya Panday is all set to make her Bollywood debut with Punit Malhotra-directed Student Of The Year 2. Not just her, Tara Sutaria will also foray in Bollywood with the movie. Student Of The Year 2 will hit screens on May 10.