Ananya Panday, on Sunday, posted a set of beautiful from her day at the beach. However, it was the 22-year-old actress's caption that grabbed the attention of her fans. Ananya can be seen sporting a white short dress and a green jacket in the photos. Making a hilarious reference to Hrithik Roshan and Ameesha Patel's song Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai from their 2000 film Kaho Naa... Pyaar Hai, Ananya Panday wrote: "Having my Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai moment with myself" and added: "It clearly didn't end well." LOL. In one photo, the actress can be seen laughing while running on the beach while in another, she can be seen posing gracefully for the camera.
Check out Ananya Panday's post here:
Ananya Panday recently shared adorable throwback pictures from her childhood and made her Instafam smile. "I was clearly born ready for a hair commercial," she wrote for a picture that features her as a baby while sharing another, she captioned it: "Coolest there ever was, coolest there will ever be (and imma not jokin about that) Happy Father's Day, Papa, love you the most."
In terms of work, Ananya Panday was last seen in Khaali Peeli. She made her Bollywood debut with Student Of The Year 2, in which she shared screen space with Tiger Shroff and Tara Sutaria. The film was the sequel to 2012's Student Of The Year. She was next seen in Pati Patni Aur Woh, co-starring Kartik Aaryan and Bhumi Pednekar.
Ananya has a couple of films lined-up now - she will next be seen in a film opposite Vijay Deverakonda (directed by Puri Jagannadh), as well as in Shakun Batra's romantic drama alongside Deepika Padukone and Siddhant Chaturvedi.