Aamir Khan and Salman Khan's jodi in the cult film Andaz Apna Apna can arguably be categorised as one of the most iconic pairings in Bollywood. How can we forget Amar and Prem's amazing comic timing and the iconic dialogue "Do dost ek hi pyale mein chai peeyenge, isse dosti badhti hai," which redefined friendship. But what if we tell you that Aamir Khan and Salman were not even on talking terms during the shooting of the film? Even the film's leading ladies Raveena Tandon and Karisma Kapoor didn't use to speak to each other when the film was being shot. During a recent interview with Hindustan Times, Raveena Tandon revealed that none of the actors were speaking to each other."It was fun as while we were shooting, none of us were speaking to each other. Sabke jhagade chal rahe the. Aamir and Salman weren't talking to each other, Karisma and I weren't talking and neither were Salman and Rajji," Raveena told Hindustan Times.
Raveena recalled when Salman and Aamir tried to bring her and Karisma Kapoor "together." The Mohra actress added, "I don't know how that film got made. But, it shows we are damn good actors. The boys tried to bring Karisma and me together. In fact, in the climax, there's a scene where Karishma and I are tied to a pillar. Rajji said, 'We won't untie you, unless you talk to one another'. It was all so funny. I remember, while shooting scenes, we would all genuinely laugh a lot as the dialogues were so hilarious. Hamne maze bhi kiye aur jhagde bhi kiye."
Andaz Apna Apna clocked 25 years on November 4 this year. Karisma Kapoor shared stills from the movie on her Instagram profile and she wrote: "Woah 25 years of Andaaz Apna Apna . Ke Dil Mera Dhak Dhak Dole Deewana Liye Jaaye Hichkole #crazymemories."