AndhaDhun is making big bucks at the China box office. In less than a week, the Sriram Raghavan-directed film collected over Rs 100 crore and in doing so it surpassed its India box office total, tweeted trade analyst Taran Adarsh. "AndhaDhun stays super-strong on the crucial Monday, after an extended weekend in China (the film opened on Wednesday)... Crosses $15 million (Rs 100 crore)... Also crosses India lifetime biz (the gross box office collection was Rs 74.59 crore) in six days. It collected $1.45 million on Monday (bring the) total to $15.25 million (Rs 106.09 crore)' he tweeted. AndhaDhun, which opened across 5,000 screens in China, stars Ayushmann Khurrana, Tabu and Radhika Apte in lead roles.
Here's the updated box office report of AndhaDhun:
#AndhaDhun stays super-strong on the crucial Mon, after an *extended* weekend in #China [opened on Wed]... Crosses $ 15 mn [ cr]... Also crosses India *lifetime biz* [Gross BOC] in *6 days*... Mon $ 1.45 mn. Total: $ 15.25 mn [ 106.09 cr].
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) April 9, 2019
AndhaDhun, a quintessential Sriram Raghavan thriller, opened to fabulous reviews in India. Film critic Saibal Chatterjee gave AndhaDhun four-star rating and wrote in his review for NDTV that the film is an "intelligently paced and structured crime drama."
In AndhaDhun, Ayushmann Khurrana plays the role of Akash, a pianist pretending to be visually-impaired. His life turns upside down after he 'witnesses' a murder at the hands of Simi (Tabu) and her lover Manohar Jawanda (Manav Vij). Akash loses his eyesight for real because of Simi, who suspected that he was pretending to be visually-impaired.
AndhaDhun featured in headlines for it open-ended climax for days with several opinions about the protagonist's plot. Last year, AndhaDhun also beat top earning films of 2018 - Sanju, PadMan and Raazi - to become IMDb's Top Indian Movie of the year.