Anil Kapoor's love story with his wife Sunita is the stuff of legends. With nearly four decades of married life and several years of courtship behind them, the two continue to gush about each other on social media posts. Now, Anil Kapoor has shared a set of mushy images in which the couple look regal, dressed up for a wedding. While Anil Kapoor is dressed in a white kurta with a large multicoloured motif, Sunita Kapoor looks beautiful in a peach ensemble. In the caption, he said, “Wedding Ready!” tagging Sunita. Reacting to the photo, the couple's daughter and producer Rhea Kapoor wrote, “The best.” Rhea's husband, filmmaker Karan Boolani, dropped heart emojis in the comments section.
A few weeks ago, Sunita Kapoor shared an image of the couple and wrote, “Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.” Replying to the post, daughter Sonam Kapoor wrote, “So chic.. miss you both. Hope you had a fabulous time.”
A few months ago, Sunita Kapoor also celebrated their anniversary by sharing a throwback picture. In the caption, she wrote, “Happy Anniversary, husband. You're my best friend, my human diary and my other half. Here's to us, to our love, to our hearts and to our dreams. And to many more adventures. Love you and miss you.”
Anil Kapoor too had the nicest things to say about his wife Sunita. He wrote, “Happy anniversary to my everything. I wish everyone gets to live a love like ours! I'm so lucky to be growing young with you every year. Thank you for giving me three incredibly loving, fiercely independent and definitely crazy kids. You are my heart and home...It's hard to be away from you today for the first time in 48 years and I'm counting the days, minutes and seconds until we reunite in your favourite place. I miss you and I love you.”
Anil Kapoor was last seen in JugJugg Jeeyo.