Looks like busy star Anil Kapoor currently has a hectic work schedule. Anil Kapoor summed up his Thursday mood with a tweet today morning, in which he wrote: "From gruelling night shoots to calm mornings." In the photo, the 63-year-old actor can be seen enjoying some me-time. Now, Anil Kapoor's tweet, prompted a fan to get creative on photoshop. A female fan hilariously photoshopped her own photo into Anil Kapoor's picture and shared it with the actor on Twitter. "What are we talking about, sir?" the fan asked the Malang actor. The fan-art (of sorts) did not go unnoticed by Anil Kapoor, who responded with an epic reply. "I'm guessing we are probably talking about breakfast," was Mr Kapoor's ROFL response.
Needless to say that Anil Kapoor's reply is pinned on the fan's Twitter wall with these words: "The best breakfast of my life" and the heart emoji.
Read about Anil Kapoor's twitter exchange with his fan here:
From gruelling night shoots to calm mornings... #AKvsAK pic.twitter.com/vHokVXwfJT
— Anil Kapoor (@AnilKapoor) February 13, 2020
I'm guessing we are probably talking about breakfast!! @Maelbarrak https://t.co/T4bY3CMCim
— Anil Kapoor (@AnilKapoor) February 13, 2020
The best breakfast of my life https://t.co/iFWJQLCsK9
— Harrida Maelida Mubarrak Lubis (@Maelbarrak) February 13, 2020
Anil Kapoor's tweet was part of his "AK vs AK" series. AK vs AK is Anil Kapoor's new film for Netflix, which is being directed by Vikramaditya Motwane. AK vs AK is part of the new series of films announced by Netflix India for 2020. Here's how Anil Kapoor was prepping for the Netflix film earlier.
Making sure I don't miss that train in #AKvsAK!! #RunningPrepBegins #WorkoutWednesday pic.twitter.com/fnLXKdl2ve
— Anil Kapoor (@AnilKapoor) February 12, 2020
Anil Kapoor's new release Malang is currently in theatres. He plays a cop with shades of grey in the movie. On the work front, Anil Kapoor also has Karan Johar's much talked-about period piece Takht, the ensemble cast of which also includes Ranveer Singh, Alia Bhatt, Janhvi Kapoor, Vicky Kayshal, Kareena Kapoor and Bhumi Pednekar.