Every now and then, some fabulous pictures of Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri's 18-year-old daughter Suhana takes over the Internet. This time, fan clubs on Instagram have chanced upon a picture of her which appears to be taken during a party. Suhana is dressed to impress in a grey top and denims and poses for the cameras. Her picture has certainly sent the Internet into a meltdown. "Fabulous" and "Suhana, you look so gorgeous" are some of the comments posted. Suhana and her mom Gauri are currently touring New York. Earlier this month, Suhana, Gauri, Shah Rukh Khan and sons Aryan and AbRam went on a vacation to Europe.
Here's the recent picture of Suhana which is trending.
Take a look at some other pictures of her.
We also found a photo of her with Shweta Bachchan Nanda's son Agastya.
Suhana is Gauri and SRK's middle child. She is completing her final term at Ardingly College (England). Aryan, 20, studies films in California and AbRam, 5, stays with his parents in Mumbai.
Earlier this week, Gauri shared a picture with Suhana. But, it was Shah Rukh's caption that added more to it. "New York Times," is how Gauri described the picture and SRK captioned it as "NYTimes is carrying great news." (SRK is so hilarious).
NYTimes is carrying great news.. https://t.co/EaKjcaUYmZ
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) July 17, 2018
We've collated some of the pictures from the family's vacation here. (Thank us later).
Shah Rukh Khan returned to Mumbai a week ago to resume his work commitments. His upcoming film is Zero, also starring Katrina Kaif and Anushka Sharma.