This Article is From Nov 30, 2010

Another feather in Geethu Mohandas's cap


  • South Indian actress Geethu Mohandas, who turned director with the critically acclaimed short film Kelkkunnundo, has notched up another feather in her cap, with her upcoming project being chosen for the Hubert BALS Fund in the Script and project development category.
Chennai: South Indian actress Geethu Mohandas,who turned director with the critically acclaimed short filmKelkkunnundo, has notched up another feather in her cap,with her upcoming project being chosen for the Hubert BALSFund in the Script and project development category.

"It is a very, very prestigious honour which is part ofthe Rotterdam International film festival in the Netherlands,"she told PTI.

"...basically at every stage they would fund internationaldirectors after they send in a complete thesis report of whatyour film is about.. two-page synopsis, director's treatment,so on and so forth--a huge thesis."

Of the thousands of entries that come in, they chose 192from around the world, shortlisted, then they will award thetop best 11 projects, she said.

"So for the fall selection (category), I am the only onefrom India in the top 11," said Geethu, who captured thehearts of film buffs with her performance in theheart-wrenching 1986 Malayalam film Onnu Muthal PoojayamVare as a bubbly four-year-old.

There have been others from India who have beenshortlisted for the honour earlier, she said.

There are two sections-one probably during spring andthe other fall. So they invite entries twice, said Geethu,whose Kelkkunnundo (are you listening) was premiered atthe Rotterdam festival.

The short film had received the Golden Lamp Tree award inthe International Competition for Short films anddocumentaries at the 40th International Film Festival in Goalast year.

There are different stages for receiving the Hubert BALSfund, she said.The first is the script and production, post production anddistribution fund.

The prize money will be higher in each stage.

For the initial stage, she won Euro ten thousand. This isprimarily for writing the script and enabling the director totravel, do the recee and other activities.

For each stage, one has to resubmit the work and competewith the rest for the fund. One can directly go in for thedistribution round but then he has to submit a rough cutof the work which again would be measured against others.

But what it boils down to is the Rotterdam tag for theproject,whatever the stage,if one makes it to the top 11.

Geethu, who has done several critically-acclaimed roles,had never intended to direct but just got bored of hearingscripts from people claiming that they had a role tailormadefor her,that it was an art film, a potential award winner.

The actress,who did her under-graduation in Canada was verymuch involved in theatre groups... writing scripts even then.

She already had the story for Kelkunnundo, with a visuallyimpaired child as protagonist, ready and decided to go for itearly last year. The short film was produced under her banner.

Asked if the film being premiered at the Rotterdam festivalhelped her in getting the fund, she said "Ultimately, itdepends on the merit of the work you submit, how they viewyour report and decide to associate with it.."

The initial fund is itself a boost to her project asit will have a Rotterdam tag.

Unlike the short film, the present one is a full-lengthfeature.

She plans to get started early next year.

The yet-to-be named film, co-produced by her, will be shotin Himachal Pradesh. It will be in Hindi and have Englishsub-titles, she said.

Asked if she had any acting projects, Geethu, whoseperformance in movies like Oridam, Akale, Rapaakal,Thakarachenda, Naalu Pennungal was widely appreciated byconnoisseurs, said she was "not interested".

Cinema still is a passion for her and marriage (last year)has not made a difference.

"Why should it make a difference.It did not make anydifference to my husband...I don't understand why thisquestion is always so pertinent for an actress..'

Asked if she was happy behind the camera, she said "I amhappy doing nothing also. When you are committed to a project,you have to see it comes out because so many people areassociated with it.."

The Hubert BALS fund, which was started in 1988,is designedto bring "remarkable or urgent' feaure films by talented filmmakers from developing countries closer to fruition.

The fund is supported by the Dutch ministry of foreignaffairs, some Dutch NGOs among others.
