Anupam Kher went live on Instagram after a long time this week and while interacting with his fans, shared an update on his wife and politician Kirron Kher's health. Kirron Kher, 65, is currently battling multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer. After many users asked Anupam Kher, 66, during the live session to share some details about Kirron Kher's health, the actor said: "Kirron is improving. She is better but the medicines of multiple myeloma have many side effects. She is in good spirits and hopefully she will come out of it. With prayers from her well-wishers, everything will be fine."
Here's the video where Anupam Kher's shared an update about his wife's health:
On April 1, Anupam Kher revealed in an Instagram post that Kirron Kher is currently undergoing treatment for cancer and added that she is being looked after by a "phenomenal" set of doctors. "Just so that the rumours don't get the better of a situation, Sikandar (their son) and I would like to inform everyone that my wife has been diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer. She is currently undergoing treatment and I am sure that she will come out of this stronger than before. We are very blessed that she is being looked after by a phenomenal set of doctors. She's always been a fighter and takes things head on," an excerpt from his statement read.
Read Anupam Kher's full post here:
Anupam and Kirron Kher got married in 1985. She was previously married to businessman Gautam Berry, with whom she has a son - actor Sikander Kher. Kirron raised Sikander with Anupam Kher.
Kirron Kher, who has featured in films like Pestonjee, Main Hoon Na and Hum Tum, ventured into politics in 2014, when she joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).