New Delhi:
Bollywood actor Anupam Kher willsoon launch his widely-acclaimed one-man play Kuchh Bhi HoSakta Hai as a life-coaching programme.
The play is the story of 57-year-old Kher's journey sofar. He has a repertoire of over 450 films in a careerspanning more than 25 years.
"My play Kuchh Bhi Ho Sakta Hai is my autobiography,the most creative product of my life that came along onlybecause I needed to survive," he writes in his inspirationalbook The Best Thing About You is You, released recently byHay House.
"Today I have completed over 225 shows of my play and ithas become an extension of my philosophy. And I want to takethat philosophy far and wide to reach as many people aspossible, so that they too may share my life changing truthsand benefit from my experiences," he writes.
"That is why I will soon be launching Kuchh Bhi Ho SaktaHai as a life-coaching programme. It will contain the essenceof life and living. And it could be the best thing that mighthappen to you yet because, as I always say, the best bookabout life is life itself!"
In his book, Kher, who has acted in films likeSaraansh, Karma, Saudagar, Khosla Ka Ghosla and AWednesday, reveals how a humble background need not be anobstacle in achieving success.
The 50 chapters of the book contain the author's views ona variety of topics like anger syndrome, the phenomenon ofchange, thought control, dealing with relationships,conquering stress, getting rid of fears, coming to terms withfailure, realizing the power within oneself and coping withloss and death.
"This book is a first-hand account of what I have learnedthroughout my life and I won't be exaggerating when I say thatmy failures have helped me create the two most beautifulextensions of myself my acting school Actor Prepares and myplay," he says.
"The purpose of my writing this book is to initiatechange for the better in our lives," he writes.
The play is the story of 57-year-old Kher's journey sofar. He has a repertoire of over 450 films in a careerspanning more than 25 years.
"My play Kuchh Bhi Ho Sakta Hai is my autobiography,the most creative product of my life that came along onlybecause I needed to survive," he writes in his inspirationalbook The Best Thing About You is You, released recently byHay House.
"Today I have completed over 225 shows of my play and ithas become an extension of my philosophy. And I want to takethat philosophy far and wide to reach as many people aspossible, so that they too may share my life changing truthsand benefit from my experiences," he writes.
"That is why I will soon be launching Kuchh Bhi Ho SaktaHai as a life-coaching programme. It will contain the essenceof life and living. And it could be the best thing that mighthappen to you yet because, as I always say, the best bookabout life is life itself!"
In his book, Kher, who has acted in films likeSaraansh, Karma, Saudagar, Khosla Ka Ghosla and AWednesday, reveals how a humble background need not be anobstacle in achieving success.
The 50 chapters of the book contain the author's views ona variety of topics like anger syndrome, the phenomenon ofchange, thought control, dealing with relationships,conquering stress, getting rid of fears, coming to terms withfailure, realizing the power within oneself and coping withloss and death.
"This book is a first-hand account of what I have learnedthroughout my life and I won't be exaggerating when I say thatmy failures have helped me create the two most beautifulextensions of myself my acting school Actor Prepares and myplay," he says.
"The purpose of my writing this book is to initiatechange for the better in our lives," he writes.