Alia Bhatt, on Tuesday evening, called out a media publication for clicking and publishing unauthorised pictures of her while she was at her home. Alia Bhatt, in a strongly-worded statement, called out the publication for posting pictures of her without her consent and she tagged Mumbai Police in the post too. "Are you kidding me? I was at my house having a perfectly normal afternoon sitting in my living room when I felt something watching me... I looked up and saw two men on the terrace of my neighbouring building with a camera right at me! In what world is this okay and allowed? This is a gross invasion of someone's privacy and it's safe to say all lines were crossed dat," wrote the actress. Soon, members of the film fraternity, called out the organisation on social media.
Anushka Sharma, who called out the organisation for publishing photos taken of her at her house without her consent a couple of years ago, re-posted Alia Bhatt's story and she wrote: "This is not the first time they are doing this. About two years ago, we called them out for the same reason. You'd think it would have made them more respectful of people's space and privacy. Absolutely shameful. They were also the only guys posting photos of our daughter despite repeated requests."

Screenshot of Anushka Sharma's Instagram story.
Alia Bhatt's 2 States co-star Arjun Kapoor also re-posted the actress' Instagram story and he wrote: "Absolutely shameless. This is crossing all limits if a woman isn't feeling. Safe in her own home forget if she is a public. Figure or not for a second. Any sane person who takes photographs of public figures for a living needs to know that this is pathetic conduct and these are people in the media we have trusted and shown implicit faith in believing they are here to do a job not to make women feel unsafe or invade one's privacy. This is nothing short of stalking." The actor also tagged Mumbai Police in his post.

Screenshot of Arjun Kapoor's Instagram story.
Alia Bhatt's sister and author Shaheen Bhatt tooo called out the publication and she wrote in her Instagram story: "So it's totally cool to point zoom lenses into people's homes while hiding in neighbouring buildings for "content" now? Grown men. With cameras. Hiding across the road. Taking surreptitious photos of an unaware woman. Without her consent. In her home. The fact that the person in the photo is a celebrity does not somehow make this okay. If this was any other situation, with any other person - this would be considered harassment and a complete assault on privacy. Which is what it is. The lack of basic human decency is honestly terrifying."

Screenshot of Shaheen Bhatt's Instagram story.
Filmmaker Karan Johar, who worked with Alia Bhatt in her debut film Student Of The Year, wrote this in his statement, calling out the media house: "There is no justification to this absolutely disgusting invasion of privacy. Everyone from the entertainment industry is always for the media and the paparazzi and are accommodating ... but there HAS to be a LIMIT.... This is about anyone's right to feel safe in their own homes! This is not about actors or celebrities it's a basic human right."

Screenshot of Karan Johar's Instagram story.
Earlier, Alia Bhatt and her husband Ranbir Kapoor had especially met the paparazzi in Mumbai along with Neetu Kapoor and had requested the paparazzi for privacy and asked them not to click pictures of their daughter Raha.