Her spokesman stated: “There is no truth to the story at all. Anushka was busy shooting in Kashmir and was not even contacted once for confirmation.”
Anushka Sharma, who will soon be seen in Yash Chopra's Jab Tak Hai Jaan opposite Shah Rukh Khan, is said to be upset with recent reports that Sidhartha Mallya has taken a 'special' interest in her and even flew her to London in his private aircraft.
The actress' spokesperson clarified that there is absolutely nothing "cooking" between her and the young industrialist.
The spokesperson stated: "There is no truth to the story at all. Anushka was busy shooting in Kashmir and was not even contacted once for confirmation."
The actress' spokesperson clarified that there is absolutely nothing "cooking" between her and the young industrialist.
The spokesperson stated: "There is no truth to the story at all. Anushka was busy shooting in Kashmir and was not even contacted once for confirmation."